The Monkey Wore Pants is now available!
a new series The Monkey Chronicles by R. S. Hudson
Available Now from
Barnes and Noble
in Hardcover, Paperback and ebook.
Here is the latest book trailer:
The Monkey Wore Pants is now available!
Available Now from
Barnes and Noble
in Hardcover, Paperback and ebook.
Here is the latest book trailer:
In his own words...
Left in an alley like a bag of soup with the missive “Last Warning” scrawled across my forehead is not how I envisioned my day ending up when I made a quick trip to restock my libations. Stir in a blond with the face of an angel and the voice of a New Jersey tollbooth operator, wearing a pair of black Manolos pumps and that is when my world starts to spin out of control.
Suddenly I found myself immersed in a reality of lies, betrayal and murder. Add a splash of the Russian mafia, the next generation of toys worth billions, and I have to ask...will I become prey or predator in this quandary?
Who I was when all this started and who I am when I came out the other side is why I have to tell you my my own words.
-Mac Macallan, Private Investigator
Get advanced teaser copy from the next book in the series The Monkey Made Me An Alcoholic.